Monday, March 16, 2009

Toasted Marshmallow Shake

i have been having fun browsing around the recipes on (link below). As luck would have it i have all these ingredients handy today...

Recipe created by chef Spike Mendelsohn, owner of Good Stuff Eatery in Washington, D.C.
Found on

Photo: Good Stuff Eatery

End your night on a sweet note with chef Spike Mendelsohn's creamy marshmallow milkshake. As the owner of Good Stuff Eatery in Washington, D.C., Spike created this dessert in celebration of the 2009 inauguration.

Ingredients:Serves 4

1 bag jumbo marshmallows
2 cups milk
1 Tbsp. sour cream
2 cups creamy vanilla ice cream

On a medium-size cookie sheet, place 1/2 bag of marshmallows in a row.
Place under your burner in the oven for 2 to 3 minutes, until completely charred.
Take out of oven and let cool.
Repeat this step but only let the marshmallows toast, so they are slightly burnt.
Take out of oven and let cool.

In a blender, pour milk, sour cream, ice cream and charred marshmallows.
Mix for 5 minutes.

Pour in a large glass and top with 2 to 3 toasted marshmallows.

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